• 07561 414 524
  • 07561 414 524

Nzuri Myo Tumble Stone, (MEDIUM - 20mm)

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Nzuri Myo Tumblestone



Online Crystal Shop Information about Nzuri Myo:

Calming ~ Relaxation ~ Loyalty

Nzuri Myo is the Swahili phrase which means Beautiful Spirit. This crystal is considered to allow healing of all the metaphysical bodies allowing the physical body to then begin healing itself. It is linked to the heart chakra and is considered a joyous stone promoting happiness to the holder. It is believed to release pent up anger allowing the body to relax and enjoy what is around them at this time. It is felt to boost self esteem and promote loyalty.

Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Crystal System: Trigonal

Hardness: 5

Colours: Mix of greens and pinks

Zodiac Sign: Cancer