• 07561 414 524
  • 07561 414 524

Crystal Gift Set - Psychic Defence

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Psychic attack is when someone is directing negative thoughts or feelings towards someone else either consciously or unconsciously. These negative thought patterns can attach themselves to the other person's aura and cause either a physical illness, make you feel drained of energy or at the very least some level of disruption to your life in general. This set has been put together to prevent psychic attack by protecting your own aura and reflecting the thought patterns back to the source. The set compiles an amazing 12 crystals in a pouch which has been cleansed and programmed for a psychic defence to prevent a psychic attack from occurring

The set comes complete in a pouch within a cellophane packet which also includes a leaflet indicating how to use and care for your crystals.

* AMETHYST: Protects your aura from attack
* DUMORTIERITE : Draws upon the protection of the spirit world and the angelic realms
* APACHE TEAR : Protects your energies from being drained by psychic vampires.
* BLACK TOURMALINE : Protects and reflects back to the source
* YELLOW JASPER: Forms a protection around the chakras and aura.
* LABRADOLITE : Draws light towards you and removes unwanted energies from the aura.
* ZEBRA JASPER: Forms a protective layer around you.
* SNOW QUARTZ: Draws angelic power close towards you and removes mood attachments
* SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN : Removes unwanted energies and repairs the aura
* SMOKEY QUARTZ : Keeps you grounded and protects your aura from harmful energies.
* TURQUINETTE : Protective stone for travelling or for those on the move.
* TIGER EYE : Brings protective energies of the sun towards you, removes negative thought patterns

Carry your crystals around with you, toss them into your bath water, make crystal water by placing them around a bottle of spring water for 12 hours or overnight, then drink the water throughout the next day. You may prefer to place them under your pillow at night, either works well.

Caring for your crystals:

Cleanse your crystals approx. once a month under running water, visualizing all the negativity being washed away. Place them on a windowsill to dry and re-energise.