Metaphysical Healing Properties and Magical Meanings of Soul Mate
When you have two crystals growing out of the same base growing side by side they are known as either Twin Flames or Soul Mates. The Twin Flames can be of similar but not of equal length which are joined together at the base. They may grow side by side or at angles to each other. Soul Mates on the other hand are of equal length and grow side by side. They do not have to be perfectly aligned as one may be positioned lower than the other, but they are both of the same length and are joined at the base together. A soul mate crystal can attract a romantic soul mate into your life. A soul mate is generally known as ,the love of your life, but we can have several soul mates. A soul mate can be anyone with whom you have an unshakable connection at the soul level. In some belief systems, a soul mate is one half of a whole unit of consciousness which has been parted or split into two for the purpose of spiritual evolution. Others believe that we can have literally hundreds of soul mates which form our soul group. It is a well know stone for improving telepathy and makes a superb meditation and channelling stone.