Metaphysical Healing Properties and Magical Meanings of Icelandic Spar / Optical Calcite
Optical Calcite is a very calming stone making it good for meditation. It is a memory improver and aids with concentration. This makes it a good choice for those in a learning situation such as school, college or those in further education. Retaining information is thought to be made easier when you use this stone making it a good choice os stone to take into exams. It can clear and activate all the chakras quickly improving the flow of energy throughout the body. It can clear away negative energy and amplify one’s intent, thus making it good for manifestation. It can clear out old energy patterns and increase drive and motivation. It is felt to be helpful for issues relating to bones and joints. It is felt to aid with the absorption of calcium, vitamins and minerals. If you place a piece of optical calcite over any written work, you will see double when looking through it.